Touch Smooth Anti-wrinkle Polyester Cotton Mixed Textile  

Touch Smooth Anti-wrinkle Polyester Cotton Mixed Textile Touch Smooth Anti-wrinkle Polyester Cotton Fabric is a type of fabric that is made from a blend of polyester and cotton fibers. It is designed to have a smooth and soft touch, while also being resistant to wrinkles. This makes it a popular choice for clothing items such as shirts, dresses, and pants, as it provides both comfort and a polished appearance. The polyester content in the fabric helps to prevent wrinkles and creases, making it easier to maintain a crisp and neat look. The cotton fibers add breathability and natural softness to the fabric, enhancing the overall comfort and feel. Overall, Touch Smooth Anti-wrinkle Polyester Cotton Mixed Textile is a versatile and practical fabric option for those looking for a blend of comfort, durability, and wrinkle resistance.

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